"Today, we are proud to say that we are the leading importer, supplier and stockist of spare parts for refrigeration."
The company was founded in 1975, and traded under the name of Thandrayen Pillay. In 2001, it took the name of THANDRAYEN PILLAY REFRIGERATION CENTRE LTD having as share holders, all memebers of the family. To comply with the guidance of The Corporate Governance , the board of directors is constituted of 1 Executive director, 2 non-Executive directors and 3 independent directors.
The company deals with supply of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning materials on the local market
Prior to 1980, the refrigeration business was in the hands of some big companies mainly multi nationals. We were the first small company to penetrate the refrigeration market . Our aim was to give the opportunity to small businesses access to materials and facilities to the refrigeration field. Being aware that the profit margin of the major companies in the field was enormous, we decided to work on a reasonable mark up instead. It has created satisfaction among the community but created frustration among the big firms. So, we won the favours of all the repair shops and created a clientele in the hotel industry.
Every two or three years we plan seminars and workshops which are hosted by qualified technicians from our suppliers around the world. It gives the opportunity to the local technicians to increase their knowledge and to stay up to date with the latest technology.
We are proud to say that the service we offer to our customers, the quality of goods which we supply and the technical advice we give to them have been the roots of our success. Ironically, our first competitors are now our biggest customers.
The development of our company has known different phases. At the very beginning, we explored the domestic market, serving small entrepreneurs. Once they could fly by themselves and become full fledged technicians. We trained them for the commercial refrigeration sector with the help of our suppliers through workshops.
The company started to import commercial refrigeration products and components after a market study in mid 1990s. We penetrated the industrial refrigeration sector knowing that Mauritius will become a tourist destination and the need for hotels will surge, thus it was an opportunity to seize that market . Since year 2000, we entered a new segment; Automotive Air-conditioning.
Most of our goods are imported from United kingdom, France, Germany, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia and China.
We are the distributors of world famous brand such as Danfoss, Tecumseh Europe, Emerson Technologies , Ebmpapst, Litaflex , Rubaflex, Favorcool , Eliwell, Komans, Ranco, Unicla , Mastercool, Aruki , Harris ,
Every year we send a circular letter to our customers for the evaluation of our services. Whenever we have a negative response, we take their advice to better our customer's satisfaction.
To bring Corporate Social Responsibility at a higher level, the company focuses on Children’s education, Protection of the Environment, Sports activities and alleviate poverty through Charitable institutions. The Company has been awarded a certificate by the World Confederation of Business for its determination to achieve its goal.
Thandrayen Pillay Refrigeration Centre Ltd. regularly sponsors the following NGO's
Thandrayen Pillay Refrigeration Centre Ltd. has set up a Code of Conduct to prevent corruption and support a healthy working environment.
Thandrayen Pillay Refrigeration Centre Ltd has been on the front line to protect the Environment. It has been the first importer of ozone friendly refrigerant to replace CFC which is harmful for the ozone layer. We have spared no efforts to help the government to comply with the Montreal Protocol . We have been awarded a certificate from the government of Mauritius in this respect. Our action does not limit only to the importation of Refrigerant gas , we encourage our staffs and partners to avoid the use of plastic bags and to use recycled items.
We are very much grateful to our suppliers with whom we entertain friendly and family ties for their support throughout our business existence. They have always assured a good quality control of their respective products which has contributed to our success.